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Thursday, 6 December 2012

#31: Mr. Paisley -- A Teacher for the Ages

Teacher-pupil relationships are always pretty unique, in my experience. In one way or another. You tend to either gel and really see eye-to-eye with your teach. Or you both just go through the motions, and rarely reap any rewards.

However, the ones you bond with – the ones who can really relate to you and spot your potential – are worth their weight in gold. Because these unsung heroes can play a significant role in your development as a young adult – and be the difference between you chasing your dreams or settling for a life of relative mediocrity.

One such example for me was Mr. John Paisley, my 4th & 5th year English teacher.

A fun-loving Liverpudleon and advocate of deadpan humour, I always looked forward to Mr. Paisley's lessons. He had a knack for fostering creative spirit and energy amongst his pupils; drawing out the best in you with a teaching style that mixed humour and humility.

He and I really bonded from the off. I think he saw a bit of himself in me. A guy with a passion for English, sport and a fairly unique sense of humour.

Our kinship also grew after Mr. P was handed the job of coaching St. Peter’s 4th year football team – and he made me his player-assistant coach. So I helped him pick the team every week… and surprisingly I was always in it!

I was far from our best player, though did have dribbling skills to die for. Especially when day-dreaming about Rebecca Andrews and our future life together. Rebecca, of course, didn't know much about this. As I was far too scared to even contemplate revealing she was the inspiration behind the pool of drool I'd often artistically create during Double Chemistry.

But back to Mr. Paisley...

To read the rest of this column, check out BC Johnny's upcoming book: Chilled Almonds.  

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